U-N-I at Bumbershoot (Seattle, WA - 9/5/09) from DJ Hyphen on Vimeo.
I also had the luck of bumbershoot in going to a show you a) didnt even mean to b) got straight dummy lucky and fell in love (nh) with the artist...mr. mayer, mayer hawthorne, i love it because its like if you saw this dude, no offense, i would prolly say he didnt appear to have much game, but his voice is pure sex. if i had that voice and whipped it out anywhere i would probably open my eyes to a bunch of naked ladies goin wild. so i highly recomend mayer, he is like a throwback, his music is motown but has a hint of hip hop...but pretty much sex on a platter www.myspace.com/mayerhawthorne

The main mack attack Macklemore (who was by the way inspiration for me to start a blog please check out bengalyucky.com for instant satisfaction) torn up the stage in the seattle rain. The highlight for me was by far the song and we danced...mack brought out the costume, a costume can always be expected at a Macklemore show, and sung his heart out while some homies/fam (shout out to busto) bam burned up the stage with some sizzling dance moves heres the song and a fierce pic...his new ep/cd/lp? is coming out soon so keep your eyes peeeled

and here is the video to the greatness that was "and we danced"
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