Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thank You
I just want to thank whoever is looking out for me because someone definately is, and while a majority of this blog is dedicated to goofy-ness this is a serious post. You never know how much time you have left, never ever do you know, anything can happen, so please make life what you want it to be and make sure you never end your day with regrets.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Please check out, if you have the same love for the sonics that i do, refer to earlier posts about my love, this documentary made by some dudes outta seattle, its online free at Big Ups to the people that put this together. Much of my childhood was stolen from me, and from many other people a life full of memories. im actually in this at 56:46 on the railing...
here is the full non HD quality video...
Sonicsgate SD Full Version from sonicsgate on Vimeo.
I cant begin to say how mad i got watching how we were all lied to and how wack the entire process was.
dont turn your back clay bennet
Mike Posner's Mixtape...fyiaah!
First Post dedicated to a Mixtape goes to Mike Posner's dope mixtape it came out a minute ago but...ive had this on replay in the 4runner for a while now..i highly recommend it, he makes some tracks over some songs you will definately recognize, its pretty dang sexy to say the least. and i mean it also has some don cannon adlibs...either a little bit of a plus or a huge negative..but it is what it is
Monday, October 12, 2009
Some shoes at NW throwbacks....

Nike Air Flightposite II KG (Kevin Garnett Nike's?!)
Back in the day these came out and they are super duper comfy...This was before KG went wild and decided to go with AND1....kinda a mistake b
ut i
still got those..copped em after i saw childhood homie Marcus wearing them...i had to. And now he is with Adidas. But these are down at NW throwbacks goin for like 60 i think

Next up i threw in some Jordan 15 White/Blue i think for 60 aswell...These are one of the more gnarly jordans made by tinker...but none the less part of the jordans that were created before the hella wack ones started coming out.

So if either of these float your boat hit up Northwest Throwbacks
Hollywood Hiatus...Turtle Necks
Why dont people wear theses more often....

My bad for the delay on posts...beeba has become a busy man, in between my atheletics, trying to get sexy (get sexier), apply to colleges, homework, nightly calls with Obama, trips to kick it with Lebron, and cameos as Turtle on entourage i got a little busy.
But now hes back...with Turtle Necks
We had a cross country meet and i made (along with the help of co captains) the executive decision to make our race day turtle neck tuesday. While i mainly thought of this just becuse they both start with T and i thought turtle necks would be funny, i found something out, they are PRESH presher than fresh produce at pike place market. I wore a grey turtle neck paired with nice levi's a gold chain from the ville, a gold timex, and some air max 95's (grey colorway ofcourse) to say the least your boy was representing himself well. I will add that the turtle neck was a womens large, this is another opportunity for a lesson in thrifting....they dont always put girls clothing in the girls i found out as i put it on after i had bought it, so yea i mean my bussoms were lookin a lil boomin but i thought it was a lil european sexy-ness goin down. SO im gonna go ahead and claim another movement that i would hope to begin but probably wont so the list is now. 1.Turtle Necks 2.Acid Wash Anything 3.Snap Backs...and something i havnt spoken much on but i love...4. Jean Shorts
So while i never really wanted to bring him up, credit is due where it is deserved...Max Geezy puts mad work on his blog and had one of the nicest posts in a asking a lady to a dance via a video on his blog that included candles and nelly...props, but remember who is big daddy in this blogger world.
this post goes out to t-dubb arizona/magtown rep
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Rainy Day 2: Swingin fo the fences!

Ken Griffey Junior, know to the Pacific Northwest by a single word...Junior. He made miracles happen, he gave a city of people memories for a lifetime and i found a piece of him in ballard today.
So since i cant afford the dope Griffey's that just got released recently...they are like $140...way to much, but at the same time dope. So i came upon a gnar town alternative Some Air Max Griffey 2's, $7.99 so nice. So while they are not in perfect condition, they got some yellow-in goin on, they are beautiful.
I also came across a penny"1 cent" hardaway crew neck, incase you new school, new boyz, dont know who penny was, he was one of the dopest hoopers of all time, ill let lil penny do the rest of the talking. Ps. i need me some of those old school nike

I also a nice hella old nike cutoff, the design is fire even tho its way back in the day, shows how innovative and fresh fly fitted phil knight be. And your boy found a nice nike shirt to match the 95's...alll about the matching game.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mike FTW and im not talking about jordan...and brain
In light of the Mariners season kinda coming to an end. I thought i would throw out this post, mainly because it is straight ri-donk-culous. And because there is always so much Mariners gear to be found at thrifstores across the greater PacNW, it all connects. Mike Blowers and the Homie Dave "fly fly away"Niehaus, were chillin before the game and as usual Mike made a bold prediction about the Northwest fam member who had just got called up a Tuiasasopo (?), and well just watch the video and uhhh big shout out to a) Rachel.. and b) Nate Silver!!! b-yaa
In other Mariner news some punk chose to make the gnarliest hat i find this dope
Mariners snap back...holla at yo flow...and im like why is this so heavy, so i look inside, and like a battery pack thing was attached to the back..and hella like needles stuck into the front logo, that were really like spiky light the turned the hat into a cute like Disneyland light toy thing...thanks for ruining a perfectly dope snap back M's hat...peep the pics below for signs of destruction..*tear*
Lastly a shoutout to that guy, brainstorm, a memeber of seattles of dope Dyme Def, made a remix to the
that song One Time by the new Aaron Carter, Justin Biebler..kinda close to beeba. I like the song, and its brain's remix so its gotta be nice.
One Time Justin Bieber ft. Brainstorm
In other Mariner news some punk chose to make the gnarliest hat i find this dope

Lastly a shoutout to that guy, brainstorm, a memeber of seattles of dope Dyme Def, made a remix to the

One Time Justin Bieber ft. Brainstorm
The Air Maximus
Oh your nice
Today i came up on a sexy find that i just had to blog about...The Air Max 95's (word to the game). One of the original colorways, the gray neon and charcoal ooo wee. The beauty about these is that even though they are a lil dirty ( like in in the way that they have physical dirt and dust particles embedded in the fabric, we already know that they are hella dirtay hay!) it is fairly unnoticeable because they are gray and charcoal. These were found at the broadwayish location. Which comes as a surprise because i rarely can find fresh kicks at this location, because of so much traffic they get swooped up pretty quick.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
First Rainy Day- My need to match definately got the best of me

Hey Sometimes you gotta...
There is no better time to hit up the thrift stores on a rainy Seattle day, the wills and villes are all heated, and for me its relaxing, it takes me away from everything. But today the thrift stores got the thrifta, for the most part, i still won in a way by getting some fly 

Mardi Gras...gnar town (a random story from Nic(k))
Mardi Gras! A wild holiday enjoyed by the entire United States- I usually celebrate it by spending the day in my front yard mowing the lawn with my tank top and Mardi Gras beads swangin’ around my neck, blaring various techno tracks. However, this year, Mardi Gras arrived a little earlier than expected and to my delightful surprise so did a DP (Dance Party)!!!!! We could only judge the magnitude of this event by the obscene amount of Facebook messages we received about it! So me and my boys: the infamous Stan Gernudd, Nic Lane (mahn/mon!), and Morg (producer of the BFA track “Beeba Vision”) Backus, made our way out to Bellevue to celebrate some bdays of people we don't know at the Westin Hotel. After arriving, we were escorted to the 4th floor as loud, blaring music became within earshot. However, the moment we stepped out of the elevator our ears were delighted with the sounds of Qawwali (Traditional Ramadan Holiday music)!! As I pranced around the lobby for a few moments with my Islamic brethren, I soon realized that the Mardi Gras DP was co-sharing its floor space with a Ramadan Celebration! So as we turned the corner and made our way into the KUBE 93 (Gnar-arrly) sponsored birthday celebration, we were astounded by the mass amounts of “shirtless eastside dudes” that made up about ¾ of the entire party’s population. They were barely wearing i definally saw at least 6 dudes in like american apparel bikini like bottoms. (To everyone’s dismay, I did not take off my shirt) As disappointing as this situation seemed to be, we didn’t let it get the best of us! We made rounds around the dance floor introducing ourselves under the aliases of “Tim”, “Tom”, and “Peter,” saying we went to Skyline (Connor Gacek, anybody!?). However, we soon became entrenched in the boredom of seeing wild eastside duders flying around the dance floor so we decided to call it a night… The only advice I can give my dedicated readers is this: Beware of future “Eastside Dance Parties” posted on Facebook Events.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Final Four in Seattle?! At the Kingdome?! (RIP)

The kingdome, i remember running around on that field at the paul robinson awards banquet i remember going to a few M's games and a few Seahawk games there, but truth be told that is it, i barely remember the good ol' dome, i do remember walking out of it around the side down it, but i sure do not remember having a final four here but as it always does, the thrift shops remind me of the past recently i have found a plethora of final four gear, begging me to ask the questions who was even in the final four, so i did the job of finding this out the final four consisted of UCLA, Oklahoma State, North Carolina and Arkansas. The winner of the final game (UCLA vs. Arkansas) being the UCLA Bruins. I miss the kingdome it seemed like a gnarly place, it was absolutely insane when it got imploded or whatever, and like the Tac Town T-Dome doesn't suffice as an even close to decent replacement.
Accesories, accesories, accesories!
I love the accessory rack at the thrift shops, or the accessory glass case. They always hold so much potential.
I mean you could potentially find a G-Shock, or some fresh glasses, sunglasses, lens-less glasses, all the steaks and gravy and potatoes and everything. "T-bones on shelves, you know the stakes is high!" (just had to throw that line in, i think it might be UNI or Jay, just bein spontaneous!) But like my new thing has got to be buttons, i just wanna find the flyest buttons
to rock on my jean jacket they seem like they go really well together, and i can just picture a fat fresh Nike or like mars blackmon button on the acid wash...oooowee! Anyways the sunglasses bin, glass case, accessory rack is always something one has gotta check out, when they hit up the thrift spots.
BTW i don't ever need to catch up to none of yall, my last name aint Heinz!
so get on my floor, lemme know when you get up here tho, the elevators broken

BTW i don't ever need to catch up to none of yall, my last name aint Heinz!
so get on my floor, lemme know when you get up here tho, the elevators broken
Sunday, September 27, 2009
On My Consignment Greezy...

The economy's down, and so is the broccoli on my plate, metaphorically speaking. What im saying is that there is no more cheddar in my pockets. While i love my job as a thrifta it comes at a price. I cant say no to dope finds, like whatever the price may be, even if its over $10, so you can imagine if im going almost everyday, its gonna add up. And my bank account in fast-ly approaching zeros and with no numbers above zero in front of the zero. Luckily around this same time (today/last weekend) i found a solution, while yes i love all of my finds, many of the goods (no reference to the store goods, people who work there are straight laced up!) are too small, or just not for me (aka i cant find shoes to color coordinate) but at the same time i had to let some very presh finds go *tear drops drip down my pudgy cheeks, onto the key board*. So then pops in Northwest Throwbacks into the equation. I dope local sports wear store, its like they took the dope

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Up North

So i have previously spoken highly of Ballard, home of the vikings. I recently went on a pilgrimage to the north....the north like hella north like exit 177 or something hella north. There are 2 value villages in like a 5 minute area, and next to one of the value villages is another thrift-store, like St..pauls or something, it has an extremely creepy vibe to it, and i get really scared just being there but... I have only been up north twice, but every-time i go they have plenty of finger-lookin good gear. I would highly recommend up north if you really truly want something fly and dont want to work for it...scrubs.
How could you be so heartless?
Baby Why?!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Thrifta
Thursday, September 24, 2009
PRC cop it!

So a while back i got in touch with a dope clothing company called PRC. They are Seattle based and essentially UW's own. Im part of the street team, so if you like what you see hit me up and i will get you that discount(what you know about 15% off...yeaaabuddy!)! Ish is fire and many more dope tee's to come. There is also an event Oct. 8 at EQPT in the U District, its all ages, a dope artist by the name of Sol is performing check his MUSIC. the song spliff sounds real smoov.
Hit up the company website, like anything please hit me and ill get you that 15% off...i didnt know if you knew, but ima renaissance man.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
European Roots and my main man H.O.V.A
So I am Russian right, so im just finna connect with them European roots real quick and i see this video...instant satisfaction. This host is so far in the history of Goodwill Hunting the Current President of GNAR TOWN USA...please watch the video and you will see why. if you dont wanna see the whole thing fast forward to 4:35 and go from trying to get on this show forsure, i have way more fresher barz than em for sure, and maybe jay, especially with this instrumental backup.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
An Ode. Pour a sip for the homies.

Thank you to all the old homies that give all the dope gear to value village and goodwill, today i found a new brand new Nike jacket with a retro nike tag on it! With the $65 price tag and everything...cept i coped for $

Monday, September 21, 2009
My Quest for the G-Shock continues....

One of the few things in this world i want, and am yet to find, is a G-shock watch...i have come close in my trials and tribulations in search for this piece of plastic that epitomizes the word freshly-clean. Sadly i have settled for poor replicators such as my turquoise "sport watch" that doesnt even work (yea i rock ish that dont work if it lookes fly..fight me) i have looked every time i am there for a good five minutes in the jewelry case and the accessories rack, just to be disappointed. I know your out there someone my fresh G-Shock preferably all white, purple, or red, and don't think i am going to give up...ever. I will find chu.
My Ghetto Blaster

I love my boom box, my boom boom pow, my $6.99 Broadway village find... with the batteries in it?! yea heck no tech no, and i am yet to have to buy batteries for him ( yea i gave the boom box a gender such as him, its yet to have a name, im taking suggestions). If i were a electronic what would a be? CHOW, a boom box. Im loud, large and in charge, goofy, and sometimes i mess up (i.e. when it skips CD's) I can be hip-hoppin, or r and b jammin and gettin sexy, it just depends. I take him everywhere in my 4runna, he sits comfortably in the back seat, with his makeshift i pod adapter chord hanging from the back. His favorite place to chill is the park at mad beach at night, bumping dance jamz for everyone to enjoy and to send his owner, the dance prince, into a dancing freenzy all night until his bedtime and Russian father beckon him.
Bad to the Bone

-Nick B So Sexy aka Beeba
The Acid Wash...jean jacket

So i don't know if you know me, but i mean jeans are pretty fly, jeans, skinny jeans, jean shorts...but jean jacket's take it to a whole other level...and jean jacket's that are acid washed...get outta town! but yea i went there and i love it, everybody does! (word to my Aussie guy Corey who threw that party and refused to take off his shades, everyone loves you man) Jean jackets are like cake after dinner, and then the acid wash makes it like cake after dinner, with an option of chocolate fondue, cream puffs, vanilla hagan daz, mexican coke from costco, pound cake, cobbler, apple pie....yum, yes that good. I wore it and felt like a new man back in the 80's or something or straight outta white men cant jump, i paired the jacket with a pippen jersey, black skinny levi's, and some fresh air jordan ones black and red from the package (holla at sticks aka mighty kids meal) and a gold watch and chain, birdman would prolly say i was stuntin like my daddy, but luckily he dont know my daddy because he wasnt blessed with the swag like i was, cocky? No. Confident? Yes. So i mean bring back the jean jacket this winter! And always try to bring back the acid wash.
Bring Back Snap Backs

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Brothers from Another, my dudes sneed and coleman aka goonstar and breeze are doing big thangs. Not only have they made an ep Roots Seeds Stems, but they have made a music video for the song Beeba Vision (yes named after yours some degree)
And they are no where near done, they recently surfaced on rain drop hustla which is basically the 2dopeboyz of seattle, if you dont know what that means...its kinda like a big deal. The BFA fam has been performing left and right so you gotta check em out either at a show (who knows i might be spinning on the ones and twos sooner or later..ooweee) or at the least hit up there blog...Brothers From Another everybody keep your eyes peeled like orange peels *cheezy lines are kinda my thing*
Lastly, PACHOWIE...even if you dont know what it means, pachowie
BFA UPDATE: like i said these dudes are getting there blowfish on (pause) and blowin up. Larry Mitzel Jr. author of the Hip Hop column that is in every issue of the Stranger (the free paper that you probably have seen at pagliacci's or something, you knooo with the ladies in the back...yea buddy, now you know what im talking about) Larry recently took over the Sunday evening show on KEXP for Dj B Mello, i cant think of a more deserving dude to get the local hip hop show. Anyways read the last paragraph of his column this week, yea Pachowie! Now you got TWO people high up in the Seattle Music scene telling you to check them gotta
And they are no where near done, they recently surfaced on rain drop hustla which is basically the 2dopeboyz of seattle, if you dont know what that means...its kinda like a big deal. The BFA fam has been performing left and right so you gotta check em out either at a show (who knows i might be spinning on the ones and twos sooner or later..ooweee) or at the least hit up there blog...Brothers From Another everybody keep your eyes peeled like orange peels *cheezy lines are kinda my thing*
Lastly, PACHOWIE...even if you dont know what it means, pachowie
BFA UPDATE: like i said these dudes are getting there blowfish on (pause) and blowin up. Larry Mitzel Jr. author of the Hip Hop column that is in every issue of the Stranger (the free paper that you probably have seen at pagliacci's or something, you knooo with the ladies in the back...yea buddy, now you know what im talking about) Larry recently took over the Sunday evening show on KEXP for Dj B Mello, i cant think of a more deserving dude to get the local hip hop show. Anyways read the last paragraph of his column this week, yea Pachowie! Now you got TWO people high up in the Seattle Music scene telling you to check them gotta
"He's a jackass"

hes just a lil song by the always great cookin soul to capture the events of that night
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sideburn September..part two

Part Two:
So you probably assumed my goodwill jordan three encounters were over, i did to, but like coach says luck comes to those who work hard, and i am on that thrift-shop grind like no other.
So im on the way back to the pops rollin thru Ballard, word to the kind of Ballard Grynch, and decide to make a stop at the goodwill in Ballard, where like i have said seems to be a plethora of great clothing (my theory is that kids in ballard tend to just not be nice and overall suck big
wangs...sorry obviously there are exceptions, and so they make there parents mad and in return moms go into teens rooms and raid them of all dope gear and take it to the thriftstrores.) and it starts of solid, i find a Letterman's jacket very new, Grey wool, some white leather, and then purple accents and lettering, not to mention the Wildcats on the back and WC on the front aka HSM holla!...but i look at the tag and $25?!?! smh. So i go thru my ritual of what sections i go to, and reach the shoe section not expecting much. i see some nice-ish airforce one lows and highs. And then i see a pair of true blue jordan three's, i know...i looked like beyonce after kanye took the mic from tswift and made his remarks(using good lines twice...ftw!)....there they were and they wernt the fake ones, they were real, they are real, and sure they are a lil messed up, but they are beautiful. i love my life

So im on the way back to the pops rollin thru Ballard, word to the kind of Ballard Grynch, and decide to make a stop at the goodwill in Ballard, where like i have said seems to be a plethora of great clothing (my theory is that kids in ballard tend to just not be nice and overall suck big

Sideburn September
Part 1:
This might go down as the single greatest month in my old people smelling shopping utopia's career. So i had just taken the ACT's, and to whoever invented standardized testing...your a punk, walking down the ave home to buffalo, supreme cutz (shoutout the homie Jose!) and the goodwill, i was getting picked up by the moms but had just enough time to roll thru the will, and there it sat hanging. A fresh "new" seahawk jacket with the tags still on, looking krispier than kia shine holding a box of krispy kreme donuts! And although it bore the Achilles heal to goodwill shoppers the "fashion focus textile" tag which guarantees something more pricey i couldn't turn it away even at $14.97

Jordan three's...enough said. but for those that dont understand the word and number and what they mean here...they mean greatness...the way they look on the foot, the way they fit the foot, the elephant print on a shoe?! tinker what were you one knew but looked what happened. I had just finished a grueling cross country workout trying to get my skinny man on, and had to go to my moms house and then go to my dads, and find time for senior year homework and maybe to start my college essay, but no, i had to take the dearborn exit at hit up the goodwill. But i found not just 2 starter tee's, one a mariners '97 championship t-shirt and the other a Final Four tee from like the 90's with the ncaa tag still on! but also a mariners pinacle jacket, it was a great trip, but it wasn't over...I looked in the shoe section, to find nothing but some pleather/leather grown man slippers and shoes, and some huge nike newer hoop shoes, sadness. But then i thought hey why not look at the kids section get a lil somethin somethin for tim the 4runner (aka the whip) and i found some original black jordan three's with nike on the back not the jumpman logo aka the originals, now they sit comfortably hanging from my rear view mirror with the plethora of strawberry air re-fresheners. A beautiful picture

Jordan three's...enough said. but for those that dont understand the word and number and what they mean here...they mean greatness...the way they look on the foot, the way they fit the foot, the elephant print on a shoe?! tinker what were you one knew but looked what happened. I had just finished a grueling cross country workout trying to get my skinny man on, and had to go to my moms house and then go to my dads, and find time for senior year homework and maybe to start my college essay, but no, i had to take the dearborn exit at hit up the goodwill. But i found not just 2 starter tee's, one a mariners '97 championship t-shirt and the other a Final Four tee from like the 90's with the ncaa tag still on! but also a mariners pinacle jacket, it was a great trip, but it wasn't over...I looked in the shoe section, to find nothing but some pleather/leather grown man slippers and shoes, and some huge nike newer hoop shoes, sadness. But then i thought hey why not look at the kids section get a lil somethin somethin for tim the 4runner (aka the whip) and i found some original black jordan three's with nike on the back not the jumpman logo aka the originals, now they sit comfortably hanging from my rear view mirror with the plethora of strawberry air re-fresheners. A beautiful picture
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